To safeguard your $KARROT, you can deposit them into secure vaults, of which there are three types: Full, Big, and Smol Protek Vaults.
The Full Protek Vault offers complete protection, Rabbits included, for your precious $KARROT and is not affected by debase. It has a deposit locking period of 4 days and partial withdrawals, with no relocks required.
The other two vaults, Big and Smol Protek, only provide partial protection in the form of rewards. The rewards are 13 million $KARROT per block, with the Big Protek Vault earning you 9/10 of the rewards by staking $KARROT/ETH LP. The Smol Protek Vault earns you only 1/10 of the rewards, and both vaults have a locking period of 24 hours.